Nursery update
We're excited to share some updates with you. Firstly our learning environment has undergone some wonderful changes, including the development of our very cozy home corner.
The Nursery team are now working towards a Hygge in the Early Years accreditation and we are already feeling inspired. Our Hygge journey will support us in enhancing the warm and welcoming atmosphere that we strive to provide for your little ones. We are excited to see the benefits for our Nursery children, families and Nursery team of embedding this approach into our provision.
We are also actively pursuing a Community Grant with Surrey CC. This grant will empower us to develop our Nursery garden and outdoor facilities further and expand our offerings for families and fostering community well-being.
The proposed development of our Nursery facilities will enable us to offer a wide range of services designed to benefit both the local and wider community. If successful just a few of the additional services we hope to provide are:
Lending Library: Daily access to children's books, story sacks and parenting advice books for families to borrow.
Mother and Baby Coffee Mornings: Held fortnightly during term time and monthly outside of term time, offering social interaction and support for mothers.
Gardening Club: Promoting green spaces, gardening activities and community cohesion.
Stay and Play Sessions: Offered during school holidays, providing fun and social activities for children and their families.
Parent First Aid Training: Annual sessions to equip parents with vital life-saving skills.
We hope that developing our Nursery provision and facilities will contribute significantly to the overall well-being and support for families living in our village and surrounding areas.