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Fees and Admissions

To apply for your child to join our nursery, simply download and fill in this application form. Once complete, please return it to the school office at

Nursery fees

Children are entitled to 15 hours free Early Years provision from the term after their third birthday until they enter school. Most working parents of three and four year olds are eligible for an extra 15 hours of funded childcare a week, taking the provision to 30 hours per week.


The fee for sessions attended by children who don’t yet qualify for Early Years Free Entitlement and for sessions taken outside the 15 or 30 weekly funded hours is £22.50 per 3-hour session (i.e. £7.50 per hour). Fees are payable half termly in advance by cash, cheque or BACS.


Parents are welcome to speak to the office staff with any queries regarding paying the fees. Click here to visit the Surrey County Council 'Free early education for 3 & 4 year olds' information page.

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

From April 2015, the Government made additional funding available to nurseries to improve the education we can provide for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds.  Children must be accessing their free early education ’15 hour entitlement’ to be eligible for the Early Years Pupil Premium funding. 


If you meet at least one of the criteria listed below, then we can access the additional funding:-

  • income support

  • income based Jobseekers Allowance

  • income related Employment and Support Allowance

  • support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

  • the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

  • Child Tax Credit (provided not in receipt of Working Tax Credit and have an annual income of no more than £16,190)

  • Working Tax Credit run-on

  • Universal Credit

  • if the child has been in local-authority care for 1 day or more in England and Wales

  • if the child has been adopted from England and Wales

  • if they have left care under a special guardianship order or residence order in England and Wales.


If you meet one of the criteria listed above, we may be able to access additional funds to support your child – please speak to the nursery office or Headteacher who will be able to provide you with the appropriate information. 


Childcare Choices: Funding information

This is a Government website explaining their new ways to help parents with childcare costs. You can check your eligibility to see which funding you are entitled to. It includes the following funding schemes FEET Funding for 2yr olds, 15hr entitlement for 3-4 yr olds, 30hr entitlement and Tax-Free childcare. 

Before your child joins us

Before your child joins Peaslake Nursery, we work with you to make the transition from home to nursery a positive experience for your child. Here are just some of the ways we help your child to settle in.

Home visits

A member of Nursery staff can visit your home before your child joins the Nursery. This gives your child the opportunity to meet us in a relaxed and familiar environment, and you will be able to discuss your youngster’s interests and development as well as any concerns or worries you may have.


Come and play trial visits

We suggest at least one trial visit to introduce your child to the nursery environment. These complimentary sessions will provide your child with the opportunity to meet new friends and our teaching staff and allow them to explore their new surroundings. The sessions will also help you to familiarise yourself with our routine.

"I can do" book

Prior to starting in the Nursery your child will be given an ‘I can do’ book. The aim of the book is to show us which stages your child has reached in different areas of development. We will use this information to plan activities that build on the skills your child already hasand help develop skills not quite achieved. We encourage you to add photographs of your child and family to make it personal.


First day

Your child’s first day at Nursery will be a mix of emotions and we aim to make this time as straightforward and easy as possible. If you feel your child would benefit from you staying for half an hour then you’re welcome to do so.

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On your child’s first day at Nursery they should be brought to the Nursery door at 8.50am dressed in their school uniform. Your child will have a named peg for their coat and clothes bag.

They should bring in the following named items:

  • School bag – purchased from the school office

  • Pair of plimsolls or trainers

  • Full change of clothes in a named bag

  • Wellington boots

  • Snack box containing a healthy snack

School Uniform

Nursery children can wear either school uniform or their own clothes. We do encourage children to wear a school sweatshirt so they feel part of the school community.


And of course please make sure all items are clearly labelled.

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